NAMI Carroll County

In Our Own Voice

What is NAMI In Our Own Voice?

What is NAMI In Our Own Voice?

NAMI In Our Own Voice is a unique public education program in which presentations consist of two trained speakers sharing their compelling personal stories of living with mental health challenges and achieving recovery. Audiences range from individuals living with mental health challenges, students of all ages, law enforcement officials and faith community members to veterans and service providers.

While audiences benefit from the inspirational stories of the speakers, presenters increase their confidence and develop leadership skills through helping to inspire and motivate others.

NAMI Carroll County, the local organization of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, will offer its next NAMI In Our Own Voice presentation on Thursday May 26, 2022. It will be held at 7 pm at Wesley Freedom UMC 961 Johnsville Road Sykesville MD 21784 Room 200.

Please register here for the May 26th presentation:

Use the “Register for one of our FREE workshops!” box.

Audience Perspectives

“I learned more about mental health conditions from these generous people than any book I have read.”

“[In Our Own Voice] is helpful for people to understand how REAL and how DISABLING the symptoms are. So many people see [individuals with mental illness] as manipulative or lazy.”

Contact us to schedule a NAMI In Our Own Voice Presentation for your organization!

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    About NAMI

    NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI Carroll County is an affiliate of NAMI Maryland. NAMI Carroll County and dedicated volunteers, members and leaders work tirelessly to raise awareness and provide essential education, advocacy and support group programs for people in our community living with mental illness and their loved ones.